How to Make a Highly-Converting Product Demo Video

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Making a Highly-Converting Product Demo Video


With millions of internet users searching for videos of a product or service before purchasing, producing a demo video is a must. It is considered one of the most potent marketing idea that companies do. 

Yes, people may consider buying your product. Still, of course, you don’t want to risk losing a potential client with just one click of a finger over a competitor who invested in demo video production.  

Now, how exactly do you make a highly-converting product demo video? Well, first, you need to understand what a product demo video is. 


What is a Product Demo Video? 

Some call it an explainer video, a sales video, or a product video – they’re all the same thing. Product demos show how your product or service works and how it could solve potential customers’ pain points. This is also a way for them to see what their experiences would be like when they purchase the product or service – proof that it does what the manufacturer says.  

But it’s more than just explaining what the product does; it’s about building trust with your customers. After all, 87% of marketers state that video marketing gave them positive ROI.  

Product demo videos are not for business owners; they’re for the customers, as demo videos play a huge part in every customer’s decision before purchasing. To help you make product demo videos that highly convert, follow these easy steps: 


Step 1: Know your goals 

If you want your product video to be successful, you need to understand its purpose. Who are your target customers? Do you want your video to create an instant purchase? A scheduled consultation? Or is it for your sales executives to use for their sales pitches?  

Understanding your goals is the most crucial step in making a highly-convertible video, as this will affect how you would present the product or services to your potential customers.   


Step 2: Plan your video 

Video production is a relatively long process, and the timeline will highly depend on the video length and type. Therefore, it is essential to carefully plan every stage of the production process because one misstep along the way could also throw off your budget and timeline.   

To systemize the process, check out our latest blog below. 

READ: How Long Does It Take to Produce a Video? – Video Production Timeline 


Step 3: Focus on the value proposition 

It’s called a demo video, but although it’s tempting, you should not only focus on the product’s features. Try to be relatable. When you start writing a script outline or storyboard, you should identify solutions to a specific problem for your viewers. 

Focus on your value proposition and ask yourself these questions:  

  • How can your product solve your customers’ problems? 
  • How can your product improve your customers’ life? 
  • What are the benefits? 
  • What makes your product unique? 

Keep your video script simple. No one has enough time to watch a long and complex video. 


Step 4: Jazz up your Call-To-Action (CTA) 

You know that when a customer watches your video, they are already interested in buying your product. According to Vidyard’s 2020 Video Benchmark Report, adding CTAs to videos is considered one of the most important features. 

All you need to do is to hook them until the end and make them actually buy it. Your Call-To-Action (CTA) doesn’t need to be too much of a hard sell. Add a little fun and creativity with the language you use. Be irresistible.  


Step 5: Identify who is creating the video. 

Does your company have an in-house production team that knows the ins and outs of producing a highly convertible demo video? If yes, go in-house. But if you don’t, try considering hiring a video production agency to do the leg work.  

When creating a high-quality demo video, working with a video production partner interested in telling your story is essential. Global Media Desk has spent over 22 years building a team of passionate, creative storytellers that can develop a completely customized video that fits your brand and goes beyond your expectations. 


Let’s partner up  

At Global Media Desk, we have been helping brands like yours scale their video capabilities with local talent worldwide. 

Let’s partner up to create high-quality content that helps promote your products and services to engage your customers.  

Connect with us to find the right local crew to make your project happen.