How To Write Effective Video Scripts (With Template!)

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It’s no secret that you’ll need to know how to write a compelling video script to produce quality video content. But for most people, even content creators, scriptwriting can be the most challenging component and, I’d say, the most time-consuming step in the pre-production process. That’s why we put together everything you need to know on how to write an effective video script.

how to write better video production scripts


Why Write a Video Script? 

If you’re new to video content production, you might ask, “Why do I need to know how to write a video script?”. While adlibbing works in some cases, it’s always good to be prepared. Having a script in hand is like blueprints to a building. With every shot for a specific line planned, the production team not only saves time but saves budget as well.   

There are many reasons why writing a video script is essential.   

  1. Having a Clear Vision – It gives you a better idea of the direction of your marketing strategy or how you’d want your videos to look.
  2. Consistency – It minimizes miscommunication. Now that you have a script ready, everyone across all teams, such as graphic artists, video editors, talents, and directors, knows the whole story of the script and does not rely just on a specific instruction that you give to them. It also opens collaboration as they can chip in and have their input on the script you wrote.
  3. Time-saving – It allows you to estimate and manage the video length. You’ll also be able to help the production team plan the shooting schedule, which lets you spend less time filming.


How to Write Effective Video Scripts 

Now that you understand how crucial scriptwriting is for producing a video, let’s now talk about how to write one.  


Plan Your Script 

In every step of any process, planning should always come to the top of the list. Before the actual writing, you should plan your script by creating a rough outline. It allows you to have room for revisions, changes, and plans for your video treatment. There’s no template, but let me share how I do my script outline.  

Research is one of the critical elements of writing an outline. You can gather some inspiration online or research more on possible concepts you want for your video. While brainstorming and researching possible concept ideas, ask yourself these questions:  

  • Who is my target audience?  
  • Where will the video be used?  
  • What are the reasons for making this video?  
  • What is your goal?  
  • How do you want your target audience to feel after watching your video?  

After jotting down notes, arrange them based on what you want to happen at your video’s start, middle, and end. 


Write Your Script 

Now that you know the flow of your story, we can begin with the actual scriptwriting. Start by filling out the sections of your script. If you’re stuck, here’s a writing guide: 



In the introduction part of the script, you should be able to grab your viewers’ attention right away.


Follow up with a re-engagement to keep their attention. This is where you can start defining your target viewers’ pain points. How is it holding them back? Then, lead them towards the real purpose of the video.


This is the climax, where you finally talk about your goal. In this part, you can now introduce your product or service and creatively elaborate on how it can solve your viewers’ problems.


You hooked them at the beginning, and now you need to keep them engaged. Use a CTA to turn their engagement into action.


Keep Your Visuals Top of Mind 

When you’re writing for video content, expect that people want to see more than just a talking head. Remember that there should be a corresponding frame in every line you write.   

As shown in the script template above, there are two columns. The first column is the audio,  here is where you write what you want to hear, such as sound effects, background music, voice-over (VO), or announcer. The second column should have all the B-rolls for every line or section of the script.   

This is time-saving, especially during production and post-production, as it helps the production team and the video editors know all the elements they need to add when editing or shooting.   


Write How You Would Speak 

People are not going to read your script. Instead, write how you would speak it, not what looks best on paper. You should do script reading sessions and read your script aloud while paying attention to:  

  • Awkward phrases that get stuck in your mouth,  
  • Where should emphasis fall,  
  • Areas of improvement, and  
  • How long does it take to read your script  

Of course, you want your script to flow smoothly line-by-line and not to sound like a voice-over just reading a PowerPoint presentation. Keep reading and do revisions along the way.   


Keep It Short and Sweet 

It is also essential to keep your sentences short and sweet. Try to limit your videos to a 2–3-minute script; in this day and age, less is more. Here are some things to remember:  

  • Avoid using complicated words.  
  • Speak in a language your audience will understand.  
  • Cut out the flowery words and get straight to the point.   
  • Stick to the message you want to get across.  


Get Some Help 

Writing can be overwhelming and time-consuming, especially if you don’t have time. Luckily, Global Media Desk has amazing scriptwriters and top professionals in the field of video production. Our goal is to help you feel relaxed and that your project is in the right hands. 

We take care of the scriptwriting and the whole video-making process – generating the look and feel of the video, casting, filming, editing, and everything in between.  

Do you need someone to help guide you through our process? Send us an e-mail at or visit our website at