Book Top Videographers in Taiwan For Your Projects
Get the footage you need without the hassle
Our talented videographers specialize in producing stunning visuals, capturing unique moments, and telling powerful stories that engage audiences. We offer tailored packages and services to fit your specific needs and budget. Let us help you create compelling content that reflects your brand and drives results.
Elevate your video content with
the best videographers in Taiwan
Our local videographers specialize in filming a wide range of video content.
Interviews &
Talking-HeadsProfile people from anywhere around the world.
WalkthroughsIntroduce customers to your facilities and manufacturing process.
Events &
ConferencesCapture your event or conference in full.
Advertising & Commercials
Create powerful storytelling ads that reach your audiences.
Social Media
CampaignsConnect with your social followers through creative video content.
Custom Video
ShootCreate the perfect video for your brand.
Tackle your video & photo challenges head on with Global Media Desk
Create Content Anywhere
With 23 years experience, we’ve curated over 5,000 top creative talent in key markets around the world. Our selected partners work with us on multiple projects to ensure quality & consistency.
Multi-Location Shoots
Let us produce your media product customized for your brand and project goals. No costly film crew travels, no matter if shooting at one or multiple locations.
Easily Scale Your Production
We operate as an extension of your in-house production team to help you quickly adjust resources as needed, get projects off the ground, and keep them running smoothly - efficiently, and cost-effectively.
Local Crews = Cost Savings
By using our local crews and cloud footage delivery, you can shoot anywhere at affordable pricing and lower your environmental impact.
What clients are saying...
Discover the inspiring ways in which companies globally are using Global Media Desk to produce captivating visual content.
Ready? Let’s kick off this production!
Just fill out our super simple free quote request, and one of our fabulous Media Producers will be in touch within 24 hours—sometimes even sooner! We’re excited to show you how our services can make your life easier. Let's make some magic happen!
Videographer Packages
Pick from our most popular packages to simplify your booking process
Standard Videographer
Best for interviews, testimonials, trade shows
Starting at USD $2,500
Local Videographer / DoP
4K camera kit, gimbal
Sound & light kits
1/2 day shoot
Digital delivery of unedited footage*
Two-Man Crew
Best for case studies, company profiles, hero profiles, factory tours
Starting at USD $4,000
Local Videographer / DoP
Sound Recordist or PA
4K camera kit, gimbal
Sound & light kits
Full-day shoot
1-2 min. edited video*
Full Crew
Best for brand stories, conferences, commercial shoots, live broadcasts
Starting at USD $8,500
Local Videographer / DoP
Sound Recordist or PA
On-site Producer / Director
Drone Operator & drone kit
4K camera kit, gimbal
Sound & light kits
Full-day shoot
2-3 min. edited video*
Create your own video package
Pricing Varies
Pair up with one of our expert producers who will help plan and customize your video shoot package from scratch.
* Script is provided by the client. Deliverables sent via WeTransfer or similar pending footage size & internet speeds.
Every Package Includes
Top-rated local talent
Dedicated Media Producer to manage your project from start to finish
Initial virtual meeting to go over your project goals, shot list, and job brief
Honest and hassle free quote, no surprises later
Deliverables sent via WeTransfer or similar pending footage size & internet speeds
Add-Ons & Extras
Script and storyboard development - starting at $350
Location scouting - starting at $300
Additional gear and/or camera equipment - pricing varies
Still Photographer - starting at $850/day
Hard drive and shipping of deliverables - starting at $250
Digital transfers over 100GB - starting at $80
Additional round of corrections - starting at $80/hr
Olsa Tools is a Canada-based company that is committed to making professional quality tools and organizers that meet and exceed the performance expectations set by larger brands but without the middleman. Their goal is to make the same calibre of products more accessible for all mechanics.
Olsa Tools was looking to produce a 2-3 minute video that would give their customers an inside look into how their tools are made at their factory in Taichung City.
Javier Franco, our Director of International Operations, immediately contacted our professional Taiwan-based videographer and editor with factory experience for the project.
Our expert local videographer arrived at the factory in Taichung City and shot powerful footage of the entire tool-making process. Using the script provided by Olsa Tools, the footage went to post production and was edited to the client's specific needs.
With Global Media Desk, Olsa Tools got an impactful video that showcased their high-quality tools and incredible production process.