Navigating Logistic Hurdles While Filming in Europe During Summer Vacation Season

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Greetings to all the production managers out there who are constantly juggling a thousand and one things, dealing with challenges, and doing all this while ensuring a smooth production. Filming in Europe in the summer? Now, that opens an entirely different casket of conundrums.

global production company; Global Media Desk; local fixer, production company

Business conferences, sporting events, and cultural diversity make Europe an irresistible destination for marketing teams. However, filming in July and August, when the continent practically hits the pause button due to the extended vacation time, poses certain logistic challenges. While Europe’s vacation time is a well-deserved benefit for its hardworking citizens, it often surprises outsiders. Fortuitously, we have a few timeless tips that will smoothen your production journey during the European summer sabbatical.

1. Pre-production planning: 

As the saying goes, “A stitch in time saves nine.” Careful pre-production planning is the key to success. Define your shooting schedule and get the necessary permits well in advance. The earlier you start, the more chance you have of filling the necessary permissions before August.

2. Local Collaboration:

Partnering with a global production company that utilizes local talent can prove an asset, especially during August when most service providers are on leave. A local fixer or production company, who knows the ropes and has the right connections can be worth their weight in gold when you are navigating the less-trodden path. They can help you understand the local culture, norms, and holidays and deal with language barriers.

3. Expecting the Unexpected:

In the throes of the vacation period, unexpected challenges may show up uninvited. This might include minimal public transportation, reduced security, more tourists at outdoor locations, or even difficulty in sourcing props or equipment. Plan for these challenges and have a backup plan ready.

4. Staffing:

It’s not only Europeans who take vacations in August. Many people globally take time off during August. Ensure that you have your crew in place well before your shooting date.

5. Marketing:

Embrace these challenges as an opportunity to build a marketing narrative. Play up the fact that you’re shooting in Europe – audiences always appreciate an inside look into the production process – and the effort it took to bring the vision to life.

While August might not seem like the ideal time to capture the footage you need in Europe, with a little creativity and the right attitude, you can turn this potential disadvantage into an advantage. The extended vacation period in July and August is one of the unique aspects contributing to Europe’s charm. It reminds us of the importance of work-life balance, something worth contemplating as we delve into the gritty, fast-paced world of film production.

Why Choose Global Media Desk for Your Next Video Campaign?

Global Media Desk is a video production company with more than 23 years of experience. We work with various brands and industries, creating exceptional video content that is customized to meet their specific needs and goals.

We have a trusted and experienced network of production crews across the world, skilled in the latest technologies and automated workflows. You can rest assured that your videos will be exceptional, effective, and budget-friendly. With professional producers and crews, everything is handled virtually, so there’s no need to travel. Get in contact with us today.